Oil Tanks

Time for a new Oil Tank? Is that underground oil tank in danger of a highly destructive and expensive leak? Look no further, you have found your solution. Colonial Heating Service installs traditional oil tanks, as well as safe and space saving Roth oil tanks. If you have an underground tank that needs removal, check out our affiliate Above Environmental!

Roth Oil Tanks

Roth oil tanks have many benefits over traditional tanks. They are constructed of a weld-free galvanized steel outer tank, with a seamless weld-free inter tank which holds the fuel. If the inner tank were ever to fail, the outer tank would collect all of the fuel which would have ended up elsewhere. Roth tanks also come with a $5,000,000 (5 Million USD) insurance policy for clean-up costs if both tanks were to fail. Minimum floor space is required for the installation of a Roth tank, so it’s the ideal solution for a small area like a basement or garage. The tanks can be connected for more storage capacity if necessary. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!


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  • ~ Joe from Oak Ridge, NJ

    Joe's Utica install"Colonial Heating Service replaced my old rundown heating system with a new Utica boiler. They arrived promptly and left me with a very professional and clean looking install!"

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